More details in our Publications

#Prostate cancer

We developed a powerful diagnostic segmentation algorithm allowing quick processing of whole slide images, detection of tumor and other tissue classes in the prostate specimens
Optimizing approaches to prostate biopsy
New prognostic image biomarkers

#Lung cancer

We developed a powerful diagnostic segmentation algorithm allowing quick processing of whole slide images, detection of tumor and other tissue classes in the lung specimens
Non-small cell lung cancer subtyping and morphological pattern quantification
Development of new prognostic and predictive image biomarkers based on full quantitative processing of the digital images

#Colorectal cancer

We developed a powerful diagnostic segmentation algorithm allowing quick processing of whole slide images, detection of tumor and other tissue classes in the colorectal cancer
We organised a SemiCOL (2023) computational challenge to development of semi-supervised algorithms for colorectal cancer
Development of new prognostic biomarkers

#Oesophageal cancer

#Lymph node metastasis detection

#Kidney cancer

#Quality control

© 2023